The West Wind/UnconVentionaL mOOse are both steeped in history. The West Wind Motel was a premier, destination motel constructed in July 1956. The motel evolved to offer bus tours through Franklin tours and eventually they opened the West Wind Boutique which offered high end ladies wear with customers coming from afar. Below are a few pictures from the past.

The UnconventionaL mOOse got it’s roots from the Mohawk Trading post which was originally situated east of the HWY 7/37 intersection.

Many folks remember the resident caged bears adjacent the to the Post at the Log Cabin Restaurant. A popular stop en route to their cottage. People would feed the bears ice cream and coke. Goodness times certainly have changed.

Tracey purchased the Mohawk Trading Post on Highway #37 in May 2002 and shortly thereafter changed the name to the UnconVentionaL mOOse.

She met her partner Paul in the fall of 2002 and they have been together ever since. In October of 2005 they acquired the West Wind Motel which was desperately in need of repair. They moved the mOOse shop into the old West Wind Boutique space and completely renovated the entire motel space to offer 3 apartments, 2 motel units and 2 outbuildings.